There is a defining moment in time when you simply know without any doubt that you have reached your limits of endurance. It’s that sinking yet often exhilarating ‘flash’ you get when you are finally motivated to move into previously unknown territory.
Somebody once described it me as the moment when they decided they had only one word for it: “ENOUGH”.
Your moment could be the relationship that you have struggled with for so long; that sobering and anguished moment when you irrevocably make the decision to leave.
It could be the terrible boss the provokes you once too many times, or the awful or just plain boring job that you decide you cannot face any longer.
It could be the ‘friends’ that are doing you absolutely no favours.
Or an addiction that has enslaved you.
It could be your living circumstances, or the country you live in…
The list is endless. But that polarising moment is one that you never forget. Because it’s the moment that you have to summon all your faith, and take that almighty leap into the unknown.
Whatever your motivations for deciding that NOW is the time for a new beginning. Here are a few things you might like to consider before you jump:

- KNOW WHERE YOU’RE HEADING. You don’t need to have it all worked out but have a plan.
- NO COMPROMISE. This is your big chance to be happier.
- BE PREPARED. Change can be really uncomfortable, so it’s worth thinking things through and considering the obstacles you might face.
- HAVE A BACK UP PLAN in case of an emergency. Not one to take you straight back to where you were – but a Plan B – like a few nights on a friend’s couch.
- BE KIND BUT FIRM. Consider the other people who may be affected by your decisions. Never leave someone in the lurch.
- BE SMART. If it’s a job you’re leaving don’t let your employer down. You may need a good character reference.
- BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. You may have to be your own best friend for a while.
- DON’T GIVE UP. Things can be tough at first.
- GET HELP if you need it. Don’t be too proud.
You may know you need to put some urgent changes in place but fear of the unknown could be holding you back from embarking on a healthier and more fulfilling direction in life. Fear of the unknown is natural but don’t let this prevent you from making necessary changes – ones that will give you long-term benefit.
So many people are held prisoner by their fears, and this can result in wasting wonderful years of meaningful life. Consider the real tragedy of reaching old age full of resentment and broken dreams – all because you were too afraid of taking a calculated risk.
Facing up to change is a necessary part of making changes. You simply can’t get a different outcome if you keep doing the same old things. Or keep carrying on in exactly the same old way.
Change entails facing up to facts and moving out of your comfort zone. Change requires courage.
If you feel trapped by your current circumstances, my advice is to get assistance to make important decisions, and some solid emotional support while you take your first steps in your new direction.